John P. McMeel Distinguished Service to Journalism Award
The Indiana Journalism Hall of Fame presents this award to honor individuals for outstanding career contributions that support Indiana journalism in ancillary means. The contributions can be made, for example, through the areas of technology, business or freedom of information. Those three areas of service and support to journalism are intended to be flexible and broadly interpreted, rather than strictly and narrowly defined.
Anyone may nominate persons for this award; a majority vote of board members is required to grant the award. Nomination, voting and presentation dates coincide with dates used for selecting and inducting hall of fame members. The board of directors of the hall of fame has the latitude to determine what other ancillary contributions should be considered in selecting a recipient.
To nominate someone, send a letter listing the person’s qualifications, along with at least two supporting letters from the nominees’ colleagues or other supporters, to:
Indiana Journalism Hall of Fame, Fairbanks Center for Communications, Butler University, 4600 Sunset Ave., Indianapolis, IN 46208.
You also may send your materials as attachments in an email to injournalismhof@gmail.com.
Or, you may use this online feature below to upload your nomination and two support letters to us.
This award may be presented annually; however, there is no requirement to present this award in any given year.
Recipients per year
No more than one award may be presented during a calendar year.
Historical record
The hall of fame’s executive director shall keep an archival list of award recipients.
Receipt of this award does not make one a member of the Hall of Fame.
The award may be presented posthumously.
The actual “award” is a type of certificate, plaque or trophy, and its physical format may vary from year to year.
For more information, contact the Indiana Journalism Hall of Fame executive director.