Linda Negro headshot

Linda Negro

Linda Negro worked as managing editor, features editor, reporter, photographer and restaurant columnist for the Evansville Courier & Press before she retired in 2014. She is a past president of the Indiana Associated Press Managing Editors and a past president of Leadership Evansville. She taught journalism classes at the University of Southern Indiana and University of Evansville.

Negro helped found Women Stepping Up in Evansville, a diverse, non-partisan organization which fights for equality for women by training women to run for office and step up in careers, volunteer work and in their homes and communities. The organization is also working to preserve the stories of women in Southern Indiana through video recordings in their own words.

Negro has a journalism degree from the University of Missouri and a master’s degree in liberal studies from the University of Southern Indiana. She worked as a photographer/reporter for the (Decatur, Illinois) Herald & Review before moving to Indiana in 1980.

She is a pottery and watercolor artist; has a passion for food, recipes and travel; and is building a website to celebrate U.S. 41 from Copper Harbor, Michigan, to Miami Beach, Florida. She lives in Evansville.